Lexus CT 2014

Click to view in high resolutionDespite being a highly subjective field, car design sometimes seems to progress following some patterns. Many observations like to classify it according to the decade, for example. The 1990s had several wedged designs and very smooth shapes to be more aerodynamic, while the 2000s changed to straight lines and very strong creases. The current decade, in turn, has focused at each automaker creating a trend of its own, through the very famous concept of design language. Lexus’s very first hatchback has just started to follow that.

If you’re used to read the car world’s news frequently, this article’s car has certainly reminded you specially of some Fords and Hyundais. Most automakers choose to release a new design language starting with only one car, whose first mission will be to measure how the clients will receive it. This initial feedback usually defines how influential these design rules will be at the company’s following releases. Since March and Versa didn’t receive such good reviews regarding this subject, Nissan decided to use a different path with their minivan sibling, Note. Fiesta and Sonata, on the other hand, were so well-appraised that their automakers hurried to extend their styling elements to their entire lineups.

Lexus’s case doesn’t get to be as “epic” as those, but it’s still great. L-Finesse has managed to make these cars attract in their own way, without relying only on generic subjects such as luxury or performance. This is why the company has spent the past few years adapting its lineup to it. Now, after releasing the whole new RC coupé, CT reaches the year of 2014 as the last car of its automaker to receive its current design elements. Like the images show, it was just a partial facelift to a luxury hatchback which is about to turn four years old. Most changes were restricted to front and rear fascias, in order to give it a refreshed look and new make it more competitive against Audi A3, BMW 1-Series and Mercedes-Benz A-Class, specially.

In other words, the first looks are attracted to the opulent spindle grille, whose height goes from right under the hood to right above the bumper’s lower end. Given that it’s only a partial update, it wouldn’t be surprising if the headlights were carried over from the previous car. However, the truth is they really didn’t need to change. What Lexus did was use the bumper to create the connection between them and the grille’s new look: there’s a three-dimensional effect that project the headlights’s shape into the grille’s central section, just like what’s seen at IS. They also feature LED daytime lights, while the bumper carries the automaker’s logo with blue lights.

While the sides received only new wheels, the rear fascia got a new bumper, whose shapes are more aggressive and include new spoilers. Nothing that change its overall looks, though. This car will make its official debut at the upcoming Guangzhou Auto Show, which it’s expected to show more information about it. The powertrain, like what’s always expected from facelifts like this, was kept untouched. This means there will be only CT200h’s 98-hp 1.8L Atkinson engine paired to the 80-hp electric unit.

Lançamento no Brasil (13/05/2014)

Hatchbacks de luxo são uma categoria que vem agradando ao público brasileiro. Sua imagem bem mais esportiva agrada quem não precisa e/ou não quer o tamanho de um sedã, ao passo que oferecer níveis de requinte similares a preços um pouco menores termina tornando seu conjunto muito interessante. É por isso que as montadoras de maior renome neste segmento vêm ampliando sua oferta tanto em versões mais caras como em mais baratas, em busca de todo e qualquer eventual interessado. A Lexus mostra que fez sua parte não só ao trazer o CT renovado, como também ao fazê-lo em duas versões: enquanto a de antes agora se chama Luxury e custa R$ 154 mil, agora existe a opção de entrada Eco, por R$ 134 mil.

Como é de costume entre os carros de luxo, a diferença entre essas versões se concentra nos equipamentos, em vez de aparência ou trem-de-força. Isso significa que a Eco perde itens como bancos de couro, ajustes elétricos para o banco dianteiro e teto solar mas mantém todo o demais, que continua a formar uma lista bem generosa. O facelift da linha 2014 lhe agraciou com a nova tendência de estilo da Lexus, que se expressa em linhas e volumes tão fortes e agressivos quanto elegantes. Todo o demais permaneceu inalterado, incluindo sua principal vantagem em relação à concorrência: a propulsão híbrida. Ela aparece nas duas versões, usa câmbio CVT e alcança 136 cv combinados, suficientes para um consumo urbano de 19 km/l.